Art 109: Visual Dialogue

Author schexns

Who Are You To Judge?

My project is based on all of the current bans coming into effect across the country stopping trans youth from being able to access gender affirming healthcare. I chose to make this piece, because like many laws recently, the government should have no say in how many options a person should have when choosing their own healthcare.

What My Roommate Hears

My soundscape includes sounds of me walking, putting ice in my water bottle, turning on the light, closing the door, flushing the toilet, and using the sink, all things I’m pretty sure my roommate hears me do A LOT. The cover image is of my kitchen/hallway which is where my roommate most likely hears the most of me.

Too Loud

For this studio project I drew what I think of myself with pens and highlighters. Often I feel like I’m too loud, whether its my mismatched clothes or personality or the smile I like to make at my friends to… Continue Reading →

Lasagna enhanced by Sauce (Sam Schexnyder)

Sam Schexnyder

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