Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue



Art Is Dumb

Multiple trials were done to create this final piece – due to the destructive nature of lighting things on fire. Magnesium ribbon was used to create the letters, it was lit, which burned the letters into the canvas “Art Is… Continue Reading →

Shrimp Tank

This is the sound of my Shrimp Tank. I watch it while I work and try to look at the shrimps, which are nearly clear. The sound makes me feel calm and soothed. there are 4 blurry shrimp in the… Continue Reading →

Little Miss Moonshine

This is a picture of me, posing joyfully in an abandoned retail store. My head has been replaced with a bottle of vodka, and an overlay of alcohol bottles are in front of the image. Like the store, because of… Continue Reading →


I put my student ID in a box of nerds in front of my fireplace, in the reflection of the glass you can see the silhouette of a rose. Four things known for their distinct colours are now in Black… Continue Reading →

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