Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue



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Men’s Mental Health | A False Sense of Security

The cola can represents a man in his physical form, and the contents of the can are what the man feels on the inside. He is given a false sense of security by being poked at and told “Just be… Continue Reading →

On Your Own | A Personal Experience

This year is the first time I’m living on my own, meaning I have a lot more responsibilities that I didn’t have before. The sound is the sound of me doing some chores (along with my cat giving me approval)…. Continue Reading →

Present Covid Binge -> Post Covid Binge

This picture represents the stereotypical “Covid Binge”, to the left, that most of us experienced, me included, and then the aftermath of covid, to the right, and reestablishing our fitness goals and eating a lot healthier. (Ignore the faint sharpie… Continue Reading →

My Personal Perspective

I chose these five images to represent different aspects of my life in this current moment. The middle finger represents something I am not particularly fond of (although I don’t actually mind how big of a mess my cat makes)… Continue Reading →

Henry Tupper

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