Abortion is illegal in Palestine. Women’s rights groups in the nation have been pressuring their government to see how this service could save the lives of thousands of women, but they have routinely refused. Furthermore, the Palestinian government blames the… Continue Reading →
Life can be overwhelming: responsibilities, regrets, loss, and uncertainty can feel like sinking into an abyss. It’s ironic that before we were born – perhaps the most peaceful we’ve ever been – we floated in complete darkness. Suddenly, we had… Continue Reading →
I’m mixed race, and the flags behind my silhouette represent the heritages of the people that came before me. But I’ve never lived the cultures they lived, or spoken their languages, or walked their paths. Most of the countries/lands shown I have never set foot in. Yet, when I’m asked “what is your heritage?” It feels like a loaded question with many avenues that don’t align with who I am. So, I often contemplate responding “I’m human. Isn’t that enough?”
the hyperlink to Pearson for my physics class directed me to the wrong edition. So, I took copious notes, watched several videos, and studied for four hours using the wrong version. I purchased the correct one and spent the next eight hours covering the correct lessons I missed for the first day of class and the following morning. I am very tired.
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