Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue



Gaia’s Evolution

I created this video as a message about climate change. Stylistically, I chose abrupt music transitions and clips to represent the abrupt and sudden nature of ongoing ecological disaster on our planet.

Sounds of Subdued Excitement

I chose this audio file because during the very moment this picture was taken, you can hear a combination of birds chirping, the wind blowing, and light rain falling on the roof. This moment was very ethereal so I captured… Continue Reading →

The Other Version

The reason I chose this as my self portrait is because of a dream I had when I was young. A figure who looked very much like this came to me in a dream and told me that it was… Continue Reading →

Spirit of Nourishment

Inspired by Jackson Pollock. Created using whole grain Dijon mustard, siracha, legumes from a soup mix, shredded coconut and cut open tea bags. My intention was to showcase art coming from everyday food materials

Belle Wright

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