Something I have believed for all of my life is that the universe is truly magical, especially in the form of sunsets. I do not believe that I would be living out my dreams playing college softball while having the… Continue Reading →
There’s been a lot of changes this month and I’m feeling a little mixed up. I’m not really sure where I’m at. I did this self portrait as a mixed media. It’s a bit of a play on words I… Continue Reading →
Here is my self portrait! I first drew out my face with pencil, then made a collage of photos in the background. I grew up in Alaska so all of the photos in the back were taken there.
I chose to represent part of my identity through the game Minecraft and a bit of Photoshop. The flowers are blooming from creative thoughts, which are even attracting bees. Originally, I was going to represent this growth of creativeness with… Continue Reading →
This image just shows a little bit about me as a whole. In the center I drew a portrait of myself and coming out of my head is the Macedonian sun because I was raised by a Macedonian mother and her culture was a large part of my life growing up and still is today. The eye on the chest is kind of meant to symbolize being an artist and looking at the world through that lens and I never considered myself an artist before coming to school so that felt important. And finally the title is just a small quote from a song I’ve been resonating with lately.
Covid lasted for for many years, and when reflecting who I was before covid in graduation and my future prospects at western. A lot has changed and the ideas of what I wanted feels very distant and a blur, but… Continue Reading →
finding the light in the darkest places and times. While I try to grab the little light I have left in me.
This piece was meant to show the stage of life I’m currently in, and how it reflects with my younger self. The identity differed at each stage in life. My younger self was looking forward and that is represented by the clocks, and my older self is figuring out what makes up my identity.
Growing up as a mixed race kid it was kind of hard to find where I fit in, I went to a very racially tense school, where I was treated as a lesser individual because I wasn’t enough for either… Continue Reading →
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