Art 109: Visual Dialogue

Category Studio Project: Identity Reconfigured

The human body is central to how we understand facets of identity such as gender, sexuality, race and ethnicity. Using the concept of Syncretism/Hybridity – as a state of being arrived through the innovation of mixing and borrowing, students created new representations of the self, formed and shaped in this particular moment of time.

Identity Reconfigured

An imagination of my future self. Tattoos are an important part of my identity.

Lunar Parabolic-Ambiguity Self-Portrait

This collage features a single picture of the moon at three different magnification levels. I call this collage parabolic because it is the middle picture that has the least clear interpretation, given the context of what precedes it, and what the object represents isolated from context.

identity reconfigured

This week focuses on using the environment to create a unique self portraiture. I viewed this in a somewhat different way by adding myself to the environment.

“We” are at the beach 🌈🌅🏖️

I’m using hybridity between a lot of silly pictures of myself at the beach to create a collage of myself enjoying the sunset at the beach. This is important and cool to me because I do look silly and lighthearted…. Continue Reading →


My image is a collage of a portrait drawing with with some mandala art. It explores the battle of wanting to show your culture to others through these traditional earrings, but also wanting to ensure it is a part of… Continue Reading →

Blue Light

I wanted to take a post-humanist angle with this self-portrait by looking at myself as an online student behind a screen. This piece both vizualizes my relationship with technology (the reflected light in my glasses, the background image of the… Continue Reading →

Out of the Box

Are we the same person?

My piece, “Are we the same person?” was inspired by my challenges with understanding the shifts in my identity as I’ve aged. What parts of my identity still are rooted in her, and what parts of my identity have changed… Continue Reading →

Current States of Being

Inspired by James Luna, this work represents how I currently feel in life. Emotions and expressions are barcoded for commercial consumption.

I’m Batman

 Because he’s the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now

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