Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue


Studio Project: Project NOW

Inspired by the artwork explored during the term with its diverse styles, techniques, materials, subjects, forms, purposes, and aesthetic traditions, students created artwork that aligns with current art discourses – art that creates dialogue.

Urban Decay

No Choice Available

Sea Turtles belong on Earth

“We Are Human” 

We Are Human”  Brief Statement about the Project: A collage dedicated to LGBTQIA+ victims who have lost their lives to targeted violence. In creating this project, I hope to raise awareness to inclusion, diversity, and protecting the lives of LGBTQIA+ individuals…. Continue Reading →

“I would like to formally request that you cease caring about me”

This is a digital illustration That represents the trans experience and how trans people are often dehumanized in the public debate about the validity of their existence.

Flames of Terror

Is This Banned?

Grief In/Action

I tried my best to encapsulate in a cartoonish style, the literal and metaphorical hole that represents grief and loss that is left in the wake of wars being waged around the world in Ukraine and Palestine. I wanted to… Continue Reading →


This project is focused on my ideas about separation in several aspects of life. I wanted to incorporate gender and identity into this to make others think about theirs. This art can be interpreted in many ways.

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