For this project, I decided to record the sounds from my washer and dryer while they ran. Washing machines are often the subject of metaphors in writing and art- referring to the reclamation process we universally yearn for as humans.
This audio is a compilation of noises from a nearby animal sanctuary. These animals chat all day long and although I don’t know what they’re saying, I love listening to them.
For this project, I recorded audio directly from my dorm room. There were various noises that stood out to me, such as the rainfall, strong winds, and the electric hums from my mini fridge and the heating unit outside. For the cover image, I took a photo of my dorm window, and used gradients to edit the color values. On top I drew my minifridge, and the HVAC unit outside, to represent the noise from the video. As for the strawberries, I was eating them while looking out the window capturing the audio, so I put them there to remind me of the sensation.
These sounds were recorded throughout Bellingham, creating a contrast between human creation and the naturally occurring.
This is audio of typing I recorded, the cover image represents nature. The typing is me describing the photo, but the viewer/listener will never know what was written.
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