This is Bucha my ESA. He is a very talkative kitty and he will always be very vocal when he wants attention, which is quite often. Although he is a bit of a pain in the butt sometimes, he is an amazing emotional support cat!
This audio is me unlocking my door and stepping out. I lock myself outside, then return inside without locking the door. What will enter?
I made this soundscape piece in an attempt to emulate the emotions surrounding a mounting panic attack and the resulting cooldown. I used both recordings I took in Alaska and Austria, and borrowed sounds I found on the internet.
The soundscape I made is short clips of my schedule in the mornings before I work. This soundtrack plays every day for me, it’s so familiar that it’s weird to listen to my routine rather than living it. The first… Continue Reading →
In this recording you can hear my teammates warming up and getting swings in before the game. This is usually what is heard before each game. Music, talking, sounds of softballs being hit.
For this project, I used audio clips I have recorded of various walks and hikes I’ve gone on and edited them together into one soundscape that I feel embodies the feel of nature and the solitude of walking alone.
This soundscape is recorded from the window of my bedroom on State street. It is often a very noisy place to live with loud cars and people on the sidewalk below throughout the night.
This studio project is a representation of the depersonalization one experiences while in the throes of a depressive state. The cover includes an anonymous figure in an intense environment, presumably one the once loved, but with their face blurred due… Continue Reading →
This art piece was inspired by a seagull that sat with me while I was eating lunch earlier this week. I collaborated with a friend of mine to compose the background music. continuing with the idea of seagulls I went… Continue Reading →
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