My soundscape includes sounds of me preparing materials to paint. The sound of water filling my paint cup, my paint brushes, sketchbook, paint bottles and paint pens are all sounds you can hear in my recording. They’re all sounds directly… Continue Reading →
A cat sleeps peacefully on a chair at an outdoor café. It sleeps soundly blissfully unaware of the world around it.
White noise is something that is always on in the background. No matter the time, day, or place. White noise indicates the constant flow of time, it’s always going and always passing. Personally, I always need white noise on in… Continue Reading →
I wanted to capture the sound of making homemade tortillas, from pulling out the ingredients, to scooping them out in measuring cups, adding boiling water, and finally, pan frying them. The picture that I’ve added has a toasted heart mark… Continue Reading →
I recorded my roommate working on her conlang. I think it is interesting to listen to language in its most nebulous forms. It makes one think of what language really is, and makes speaking it feel like more of performance… Continue Reading →
i chose to record sounds at a dave & busters i went to over the weekend. i got to spend it with my parents and sisters. i usually dont like loud, noisy, or crowded places, but i decided to record… Continue Reading →
This soundbite embodies the moment of indecision when your mind is moving too fast for your body. The creaking of a floorboard is heard over and over to represent moving back and forth, deciding if you really want that item… Continue Reading →
I decided to create a story of sitting by a crackling fire. At the beginning you hear footsteps walking away from the fire. I recreated the popping noise from the fire by tapping/scratching my nails against a small pumpkin I… Continue Reading →
I included various sounds of studying in my soundbite. I wanted to tell a story; the struggle of studying. This is why I opened with the clicking of pencil and writing on the paper. As the sound progresses, I end… Continue Reading →
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