But did I plan this from the start and wait on purpose? Or did I merely put it off and decide to make the most of it?
Sundays in my family have always been for rest and chores, something I continue to do. However I despise doing the laundry.
I don’t appreciate when people disrespect nature and shared public spaces by vandalizing it.
House was broken into last night and gear taken from our garage. Upset with the systems that prevent everyone from having the resources they need.
My hair has been experiencing a miraculous reverse growth since middle school. I figured it was time to stop bothering to pretend I want any at all.
The radiator in my room has been making it too hot for months, ever since I moved in. Now that I figured out how to fix it, I finally do not have to open the window every day and the… Continue Reading →
Society is addicted to technology and it is causing problems in many ways. Overall, Apple is a very frustrating company.
Food and i have a complicated relationship. I know i need to eat, but eating is bad and food is the enemy. That’s what they always told me, at least.
I read an article about how Spotify doesn’t pay artists enough money per listen. Even Apple Music pays more than Spotify. It ain’t right.
My roommates and I made these paper chains for our apartment. Unfortunately, they keep falling down or breaking.
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