I want to break the light so bad.
this is to all the companies that sell water and profit off of the basic human need to survive.
Article 3 offers Supreme Court Judges a legal protection for lifetime appointments. I strongly oppose this as I feel it undermines the concept of a democracy.
Makes procrastination a lot easier, and also allows for constant access to information I don’t need to know
I know this guy very well and he is very immoral and weak in spirit. This artwork rejects this type of person. Perchance.
One day I hope to see a world where we can commit to recycling most of our plastics, paper, metals, and glass. We should commit to becoming a more eco-friendly nation as nurturing our land and people is vital.
This is an image I took of my good friend and roommate Dane.
The capitalist system creates a reliance on money in order to live and a deep sense of greed among major corporations and upper classes. I just want to say fuck you to the ‘work to live’ culture that exists today.
My brain has caused many issues for me over time, we have a love, hate relationship. She constantly is flipped off (by me).
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