Art 109: Visual Dialogue

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Fuck I’m bored as fuck

No More Radiator

The radiator in my room has been making it too hot for months, ever since I moved in. Now that I figured out how to fix it, I finally do not have to open the window every day and the… Continue Reading →

Don’t wanna eat

Food and i have a complicated relationship. I know i need to eat, but eating is bad and food is the enemy. That’s what they always told me, at least.


Within our lifetime, I want to see my island, Guam be free from the U.S. I want to see all occupied territories and lands be free. Until then, I continue to dream to see this day come.


I wanted to express my frustration with media bias and the echo-chamber that is mainstream media, despite how unbiased or truthful each company may claim to be.

Cleaning Dilemma

This picture represents my hatred for cleaning up after everyone’s messes. This picture was taken quickly as to avoid cleaning it for other people to use.

Unnoticed Hatred

When backs are turned, when eyes don’t see, there can be a lingering hatred. A developed yet, two-faced interaction from disgust or hatred from one to another to then blind friendliness when they turn back around.

fuck sex & the city

I don’t like sex & the city and my roommates watch it all the time.

BlackRock CEO Laurence Fink

Statement against Laurence Fink, vile and gluttonous CEO of BlackRock, investment firm that controls over a trillion dollars in assets. Also apart of the reason housing costs so much is because of this guy.

The death of my productivity

The hardest part of college has been balancing productivity with personal care and the effort it takes to be an adult. To be a person. It’s a never ending cycle of “when am I gonna squeeze this in?”

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