Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue

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Wax Cylinder Voices

I’ve always been fascinated by the past, and old wax recordings are a very simple way to connect with voices of people from a hundred twenty years ago. Billy Murray was successful because he could sing well, and his voice… Continue Reading →

Recycled Clay Pipping

When you recycle bone dry clay you add water to rehydrate the clay in order to start the process. This audio is a clip of bone dry clay being rehydrated. it creates an almost pipping sound like little baby birds,… Continue Reading →

Sound of Sunday

Every Sunday, the moment I get home I light my candle and listen to jazz and classical music. This is what that sounds like. After I clean my room and do my laundry, and just reset for the week. I… Continue Reading →

Typing in the Club

this audioscape was me furiously typing while listing to Junior Vasquez’s preforming at the Palladium in 1996. i often listen to music like this in order to increase my speed as it is very uptempo and very easy to write… Continue Reading →

The Power of the Forest

The audio and picture for this project were taken from Sehome Hill Arboretum. In the audio, you can hear birds, and me rustling around some branches. Every time I enter the forest, I feel the vibrant and calming energy of… Continue Reading →

Rose Matcha

The sounds one hears in anticipation for their rose matcha at a coffee shop.

Salmon Girl

This piece calls for the reclamation of the Alaskan native language and storytelling. I collected the driftwood for this piece from a trip I took last summer and sanded it down to create a smooth surface for the guache paint… Continue Reading →

After Photography Class

Come along with me on the adventure I take after photography class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is my favorite time of the day, being at about 3PM, because it gives me an excuse to go to Starbucks as well… Continue Reading →

Sounds of Drawing

As I am drawing on my iPad, the sounds my pencil makes can be pretty loud. I personally don’t mind it as it reminds me of writing on paper.

Sounds of Mice

These are the sounds of mice, and the noises they make while walking and moving around in their home.

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