The push for mass consumerism via advertising has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. There are ads on gas pumps, buildings, and videos as pictured here which demonstrates how even at a time of relaxation we are forced to be… Continue Reading →
The purpose of this art project is to shed light on the devastating impact of cartel violence on families in Mexico. Through visual representations and storytelling, it aims to raise awareness, evoke empathy, and foster a deeper understanding of the… Continue Reading →
The words thoughts and prayers can easily be erased and brushed aside. Unlike the victims from the Uvalde shooting, those actions caused permanent damage to families and the community. I worked on this piece because I wanted to commemorate all 21 victims from the Uvalde shooting. Just like in the work, thoughts and prayers have been erased but the names remained. It never felt comforting to hear the words thoughts and prayers, when people say that they don’t really care to action. Nobody wants your thoughts and prayers, its getting repetitive.
A simple face sculpted with clay, covered in little pieces of paper. Each paper has a label that has been put on me by others, barely seen under them all is my nickname “Siah” while my full name “Jesiah has been cover from view. This sculpture aims to show how modern societies emphasis on social groups, clicks, trends, and associations can cause a person to experience a lost of self as they alter themselves or are altered by others.
The following “soundscape” was created with the many eerie sounds that can come from six glass beer bottles. By using different levels of water a variety of pitches is possible. I also added various other percussive noises from the bottles…. Continue Reading →
This is called out of body, and its about my experience with dissociation and how it makes me disconnected to my surroundings and identity.
I put my student ID in a box of nerds in front of my fireplace, in the reflection of the glass you can see the silhouette of a rose. Four things known for their distinct colours are now in Black… Continue Reading →
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