Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue


audio file

Meat and Potatoes

This soundscape is a mashup of audio from several sources, including My Chemical Romance’s “Helena,” the distressed calls of a lamb, a thunderstorm, a Wendy’s advertisement, and Black Hill’s “Hotu Mato’a (Silent Island).” The cover image is a mixed-up photo… Continue Reading →

Domestic Engineer

This sound piece describes the labor of domesticity. After a long day of drudgery, it’s time to put up one’s feet.

Bucha Meowing/Purring

This is Bucha my ESA. He is a very talkative kitty and he will always be very vocal when he wants attention, which is quite often. Although he is a bit of a pain in the butt sometimes, he is an amazing emotional support cat!

“another bottle” by amy chookiatsirichai

The following “soundscape” was created with the many eerie sounds that can come from six glass beer bottles. By using different levels of water a variety of pitches is possible. I also added various other percussive noises from the bottles…. Continue Reading →

Little Child

stormy morning

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