Queer people are told a lot about how to be the right thing in the world, how acting as they want is unsafe for themselves and others. This control is not healthy, the use of a person’s body and their… Continue Reading →
Identity is constantly being re-arranged and re-configured in response to the world. Here I use some song lyrics, where lyrics can inform how I make sense of myself and the world. I also use imagery from the indie puzzle game… Continue Reading →
Being trans and Indigenous can feel like walking in two worlds. Even though prior to colonization, queer people were admired; due to colonialism homophobia & transphobia is present in many of our communities. Anjun is man and Agnatha is woman… Continue Reading →
Ballet shaped my upbringing; each passing minute prompted me to consider my future. Every suspended moment of limbs and time sparked a deep yearning to ensure my experiences were meaningful and my future dependable.
I have difficulty remembering faces and appearances of people, even of myself who I see in the mirror everyday. I wanted to express my memory of myself as my identity; my hobbies, joys, and personality despite not having anything, but a crappy laptop on me to complete this project:
Ironically, I love taking photos traveling and taking photos of scenery and sometimes people. Though I may not be able to remember their hair color, eye color, height, or skin tone after the fact, I find joy in capturing the memory.
This Photo represents the way that we can use clothes to empower ourselves change ourselves and hide ourselves. Clothes to me also serve as a way to express my creativity as well as whats going on in my mind during… Continue Reading →
Following the concept of reconfiguring a self portrait, I chose to create a pen and marker sketch. The general piece has little details so you can only derive that this is a person with a tired/sad expression and sunken eyes,… Continue Reading →
Since high school, I have done a lot of moving around, gone through a lot of growth, and learned a lot. Since I turned 18, I have come out, moved towns, moved states, redeveloped relationships with family, grown relationships out… Continue Reading →
In this piece, I work to portray self-othering and a general disassociation from the body. The title, Missing My Limbs, aims to show the feeling of missing the part of you that exists in the physical world and the intrinsic… Continue Reading →
I combed three different pictures I took over the last three years. I know this might not look like a difference between them to you, but I see how much my identity has changed over the past three years. Who… Continue Reading →
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