Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue


Identity Reconfigured


I am at an odd point in my life as I feel very detached from values and influences that shaped who I was when I was younger. This old self still has a grip on me as I grow into… Continue Reading →

Cracking Under by Elliot Palmer

This piece deals with the pressure of life, expectations, and critique. Dripping all over, barely holding together while you watch and it feels like everyone else does too. Life is crumpled but still together.


When it comes to the clothes I wear, I always hear comments about how I ‘shouldn’t wear crop tops’, or that the clothes ‘aren’t for men’. The way that I present myself to the world has so much to do with how I’m dressed, and this picture exemplifies the variety that comes with my representation.

Layers of Change: Evolution of Self

Self portrait collage reflecting the changes of myself not just merely on the outside but on the inside. Each overlapping image shows a shift in perspective and a deeper understanding of myself. As the layers build, they reveal a journey… Continue Reading →

Life as a Butterfly

This piece is a hybrid of a drawing I did of a stippled butterfly mixed with a collage of me and my friends and family. I chose the symbol of a butterfly as a sign of life and combined it… Continue Reading →

Scrutinized Femininity

Throughout the pandemic and its after-effects, a part of my identity I struggled with was how much I was perceived and judged for being feminine and also queer. I got so frustrated with the objectification of women in general and… Continue Reading →

Distorted Self-Reflection

For this self-portrait, I focused on how I see myself. This piece visually shows a reflection of my face repeated infinitely in a circular mirror. As the image gets smaller with each reflection, there is less detail, the face becomes… Continue Reading →

exotic beauty

Growing up biracial being “exotic” was often tied to my beauty. Most often older men, or occasionally peers at school would use the word exotic as if it were a compliment. A word that has been used to sexualize, and… Continue Reading →

light in the darkness of my mind

finding the light in the darkest places and times. While I try to grab the little light I have left in me.

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