Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue


Identity Reconfigured

Not Who I am

I have always struggled being confident in my identity as an Indian woman; often when I dress up I feel that I look fake and that I am putting on a costume. This self portrait showcases my struggles to find a way to be seen as beautiful and while I am comparing myself to others.


Head is always in the clouds. Entranced in a fantasy far away from reality.

Two Faces

In this collage I wanted to express how I feel in this moment of time by mixing medias and borrowing clippings from images and magazines. I chose to show two faces to play on the concept of my star sign:… Continue Reading →

My Variable Self-Portrait

After took my selfie, added my various & uncountable faces. It looks so nice I think!!!!

Favorite Features

I took one of my favorite pictures of my face and overlapped it with other pictures of my favorite features. My ideal picture of myself will never exist. There are always things that you would want to change about yourself. I’m working on developing a better form of self-love by appreciating my features.


Ilsa Wacker Snowboarding has always been a big part of my identity, but a pretty severe concussion i got has definitely helped shape who i am. Not being able to leave the house except for doctors appointments for a few… Continue Reading →

Out Of Body-Rachael Whalen

This is called out of body, and its about my experience with dissociation and how it makes me disconnected to my surroundings and identity.

My Cat and Me

The Other Version

The reason I chose this as my self portrait is because of a dream I had when I was young. A figure who looked very much like this came to me in a dream and told me that it was… Continue Reading →


This is a mix of two images. One I took in the morning, the second in the evening. I had my head shaved at around noon. I used these identical images of myself with and without hair to create a… Continue Reading →

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