Art 109: Visual Dialogue

Tag soundscape

a record of a safe space

A Record of a Safe Space records me getting home from whatever I was doing during the day and using music and smells to wind down and feel safe and at home. I have always felt deeply connected to using… Continue Reading →

Bucha Meowing/Purring

This is Bucha my ESA. He is a very talkative kitty and he will always be very vocal when he wants attention, which is quite often. Although he is a bit of a pain in the butt sometimes, he is an amazing emotional support cat!

Family style

One of my greatest pleasures in life is coming together with friends, family, or even strangers and having a large “family style” meal. “Family style”or “pot luck” style meals are one of the only times – in the age of… Continue Reading →

Coffee Shop Study

I chose to record my soundscape at a coffee shop while studying. I overlayed two recordings to get more of a loud, typing sound effect. I really enjoy studying in coffee shops with the people talking, coffee being made, and… Continue Reading →

Daily Shower Sounds

This sounds is meant to encapsulate the sounds of a daily shower. Everyday we shower, but don’t stop to appreciate the ambient tunes that come along with it.

Dawn patrol with Dad

For this project I wanted to create a soundscape representative of some of the fondest memories I have. I meshed boat engine, lapping water, and shearwater calls over one another to create a soundscape most similar to the auditory experience… Continue Reading →

Journey through time and life

This soundscape represents life through memories as you can hear with sounds of laughter and playing. Time is also represented with the sound of clocks and chimes especially in the last few seconds of, when the clock ticking is more… Continue Reading →

Time To Wake Up

This recording is supposed to capture the passage of time throughout a dream. The Song “It’s Been A Long, Long Time” represents nostalgia and a dream like effect. When the recorder is dropped and I gasp and hit the ground,… Continue Reading →


Growing up my siblings and I have always been very close and we have experienced multiple things together. Now that we have all grown up a bit more and I have moved away from home I love being able to… Continue Reading →


I have a very poor memory for most things, especially people’s faces because I don’t look up very often when I’m around others. Drawing and sketching are the best ways I’ve found to try and remember features, feeling them out… Continue Reading →

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