No Tricks Here, Just Treats

Okay, yes, the title is definitely an over-exaggeration. There have been problems since I’ve gotten here. For example, in just the past week, our apartment had a gas leak that resulted in our gas being turned off for two days (meaning no hot water and stove access), our sink wouldn’t drain (we fixed it ourselves) and I got an eye infection (which meant me going to a hospital where I couldn’t communicate very well with the doctors who only spoke Portuguese). I try not to hide those bad things in my blog. I want to be honest. But, this blog is going to focus on the good, my 10 favorite aspects of the last 7-and-a-half weeks. In the spirit of Halloween, I’m going to call them “treats.” It’s an accurate word, as every one of these 10 things has been a treat in some way. We’ll save the tricks for another time. I will keep my description of each of the 10 brief (especially since I’ve written extensively about some of the 10). Enjoy the list!

~10~ Hang 10

Surfing was radical dude

This sneaked into the top 10 above some other amazing things, including my meal at an illegal Chinese restaurant, an international potluck hosted in our apartment, and going to Sintra. What made surfing inherently better than these other? The uniqueness of the experience, and the people surrounding me as we did it. Although the surf instructor was a horrible flirt (not to me, but to the girls with me) he still made sure we all had a good time, and I was successful in standing up a couple of times (albeit on very tame waves). I will probably never do this again, so being able to look back on this experience as positive is fantastic! Read more about this trip here.

~9~ Social Spot

Probably my favorite bar and social spot in Lisbon

Sometimes, after a long day of class (especially on Tuesdays) all I need to do is go out to a bar with friends and socialize for a couple of hours. My favorite place so far to do that? Casa Independente. I was introduced to it by my friend Shiloh, and by a student budget guidebook. I’m glad I went the first time! It is difficult to locate, as there is no sign indicating its existence; it just looks like a normal house on the street in the Intedente neighborhood of Lisbon. But, that unassuming appearance is a façade for what lays inside. You immediately walk up the stairs (seen in the picture) past colorful artwork into rooms with wooden upholstery, and walk to the bar. But, it is what lays beyond the bar that is worth noting. There lays the terrace, the prize possession of this bar and hang-out spot. It is Bohemian in its nature, with “hippie” music playing 24/7, low lying chairs and settees scattered throughout, hiding in candle light corners. Some people sip casually on wine, whilst others smoke and chat with their friend or date for the night. It is peaceful! On the weekends, however, they open their upper balcony and inner rooms, as it gets quite crowded. Loud music is played, and the quiet bar becomes a standing-room only party. Nonetheless, it is my favorite hang out spot in Lisbon, a quick 15 minute walk or ride away. It makes this list because it is much appreciated by me: everyone needs a place to relax and unwind, and Casa Independente has been that place on my most tiring days.

~8~ A Stroll on the Riverside

This river is more photogenic than should be allowable

Porto was a beautiful city. Yes, it rained buckets one of the days we were there. But, the day we had the wine tasting along the south banks of the Douro couldn’t have been more perfect. It was what an autumn day should always be like: Sunny, but not warm, a cool autumn breeze, and good autumn smells (outdoor fires, chestnuts, leaves) carried through the air. It wasn’t too crowded; one could still enjoy the riverside in some level of peace. But what made this day was the scenery. The layering of the assorted array of colorful buildings, although unplanned, meshed seamlessly, and the quiet river rolled on eternally in front of all this. I like rivers a lot in general, but the Douro was one of my favorites. Read more about the lovely Douro here.

~7~ A Day on the Road

Shiloh and I were really hitchhiking professionals

The second I learned how easy it was to hitchhike in the Azores, I knew that I would be doing it. It was a no-brainer. Why would I pay 15 euros for a taxi between the airport and Horta (on the island of Faial) if I could hitch a ride for free? Also, each hitchhiking opportunity was a chance to get to know a native Azorean, to learn about their hopes, dreams, ideals, daily lives. We even met an expatriate (Jim from California) who inspired my wanderlust even more while spinning tails of his life sailing around the world. Hitchhiking was a pleasant and efficient experience. To read a profile of each of the individuals Shiloh and I hitchhiked with, follow this link.

~6~ Shots and Goals

The raw energy in this stadium got my first football game to this spot alone

I have only really ever been to professional baseball games. But, that was before I went to a football match featuring the Portuguese national team facing off against the national team of Luxembourg. That also meant that in my first ever football game, I got to see Ronaldo, one of the best men’s football players ever, in action. But, it was the atmosphere of the stadium that made this event so fun. The section of students dressed up in their fancy school robes lead rousing chants throughout, and the whole crowd was involved in the wave for an extensive period of time. And when Portugal scored a goal? The whole stadium went crazy, and chanted the goalscorer’s name in unison. What an atmosphere! What a game! I know for sure now that I need to go to a Sounder’s game (as I write this, they will be playing for the MLS Cup at home!) once I get back. To read more about my first ever football game, click here.

~5~ Highest Man in Portugal

While a challenge to climb, the views at the top of Pico were worth every second!

I have climbed Mt. St. Helens before. Climbing another volcano should have been a piece of cake, right? Well, Mt. St. Helens was 7 years ago. And it wasn’t as steep as Pico. Pico was a minefield of slippery lava rocks waiting to twist ankles. But, we made it to the top after 3-and-a-half hours of labor, and the views at the top made all that struggle worth it. We were kings and queens of the clouds! If you are an avid hiker, and happen to find yourself in the Azores, you have to hike Pico. The experience with Tripix, our climbing company, made it all the better! To read more about that grueling hike, click here.

~4~ Unsinkable

My kayaking partner (and fellow API student) Carolan and I dominated the kayaking game

I have kayaked before. But, nothing compared to kayaking in Lagos. Lagos, in the beautiful beach-laden Algarve in the south of Portugal, is a Mediterranean paradise with a shadowed past revolving around the slave trade. But, it is also home to some of the best of the wonders of geology. The arches and seamounts have been shaped to perfection by the powerful waves of the ocean. Kayaking allows one to explore every nook and cranny of Ponte de Piedade, which had especially beautiful rock formations and coves begging to be entered. There was also something quite satisfying about paddling through waters about azure as there can be. API did well in picking this event for our Lagos excursion. Every time I kayak in the future, I know I will compare it to this experience in beautiful Lagos. To read more about Lagos, click here.

~3~ Vroom Vroom

Skrt, skrt. Who knew riding a moped could be so fun!!!

Renting a scooter ( or moped, whatever you prefer) on Faial was one of the best decisions I ever made. It made it so much easier to reach our goal destination, the rim of the massive Caldeira do Faial. But, it was also just plain fun! With no experience at all, Shiloh and I aced controlling the scooter we so fondly called our “banana.” (It was bright yellow) We whizzed around the island all day, enjoying every cent of our 25 euro investment. There was just something freeing about it. The wind rushing in your face. Speeding out of turns. Pushing the gas throttle to the limit as we summited massive hills, and testing the brakes for the first time on a massive downhill. It was an A+ experience, one that can only be beat by two things. To read more about my time on the scooter exploring Faial, click here.

~2~ I’m not Alone

Two of my better friends on the trip, Ella (USA) and Julius (Germany)

This one should be obvious. My previous eight entries on this list have been littered with references to the amazing friends I have made here. And honestly, without these friends, I would probably not be looking at Lisbon through rose-colored glasses. I am very introverted, but I still appreciate good company, especially when I am exploring new places. Having friends, both American and European, to share my new findings and adventures with makes these adventures better by tenfold. Shiloh (USA) was an awesome travel companion to the Azores. Julius (Germany) has been one of my better friends here, and is always down to do something with me. Ella (USA) has been much of the same, and has been a supportive and caring flat mate as well. All my other flatmates (Claudia, Steph, Kiera) have destroyed my original fears of living with five girls. Both Emilie and Thomas (Belgium) were so kind to invite me to events, even though I had only known them for one day. Dasha (Russia) has been a steady friend who I can always talk about anything with. Riccardo (Italy) has helped keep me sane in my Microeconomics class, and his shared interest in the NBA always ensures an interesting conversation. I could go on and on about all the amazing people I have met so far. It is a privilege, one I am not used to (having so many friends and acquaintances). The Americans here are top-notch. The other international students? The same. Cheers to all these amazing university students who have made my journey in Portugal what it is!

~1~ Home

The beach feet from where my great-grandparents lived

I knew that I was going to go to Portugal when I was a junior in high school (3 years ago). And when I set myself a goal, I do everything I can to achieve it. Thus, it was no surprise to me that God graced me with the perfect program in the country I desired. I have felt ever so at home every second of my time here. Especially when I went to the Azores. I am not a very emotional person, but, no joke, I teared up upon landing. It was crazy to me that I was setting foot in the same place my ancestors once walked, a place I have heard so much about my whole life. In a way, the Azores, Faial specifically, felt like a legend, an eternity away. So, being able to travel there was the trip of a lifetime! Every moment on this island was one I will cherish forever. I don’t think I’ve ever went on a more seamless trip either. No problems. Friendly people. So many new experiences. Amazing accomplishments. Tasty and cheap food. An amazing travel partner. Just being there. Being able to see the birthplace of my grandfather. Being able to see Mt. Pico, yet another place that was mystical in my mind. Being able to enjoy the beautiful green pastureland of the island. Hiking around the Caldeira on the island that very well might be my namesake. I can truly say that it might be a while before any trip tops this one. It was perfection, and I thank God for giving me the opportunity to travel to such a mystical (and mythical) place.


I hope you enjoyed my top 10 list! I still cannot believe I am halfway through this trip. In the moment, everything has felt slow, but in hindsight, it has sped by at indiscernible speeds. But, I will face this next 7 weeks with the same chutzpah I have been trying to have every day. I am excited for everything ahead! My next blog: a feature of either Granada or Sevilla, the two Spanish cities I will be exploring this weekend. Also, happy Halloween everyone! My Halloween will be spent on a bus to said cities. So, I will see you all next week. Until next time,

Jeremy Caldeira

My favorite photo of myself (not to be narcissistic) from the whole trip

13 thoughts on “No Tricks Here, Just Treats

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  7. Your top 10 list is a delightful and engaging read, showcasing the various aspects of your journey in Portugal that have left a lasting impression on you. Your enthusiasm and passion for each experience are evident, and your ability to convey the emotions and significance of these moments is commendable.

    Your choice of the surfing experience at number 10 highlights the uniqueness and the people involved, which adds a personal touch to the list. The social spot at number 9 demonstrates your preference for a quiet and intimate atmosphere, which is a refreshing contrast to the usual bustling bars. The riverside stroll at number 8 showcases your appreciation for scenic beauty, while the day on the road at number 7 showcases your adventurous spirit and willingness to connect with locals.

    The football match at number 6 and the Pico hike at number 5 show your interest in physical activities and your ability to overcome challenges. The kayaking experience at number 4 and the moped ride at number 3 demonstrate your love for water and land adventures, respectively. Your friendships and connections with people from different countries at number 2 highlight the importance of human relationships in your journey.

    The number 1 spot, the Azores, is a testament to your deep connection with your ancestral roots and the significance of this trip to you. Your emotional response and the various experiences you’ve had there make it a fitting choice for the top spot on your list.

    Your writing style remains engaging and informative throughout the post, keeping the readers hooked. The inclusion of personal anecdotes and your reflections on each experience adds depth to the list. Your enthusiasm and positivity are infectious, making the readers feel excited about your journey.

    Continue sharing your experiences and insights with your audience, and keep them captivated by your adventures in Portugal and beyond. Your passion for exploring new cultures and learning is truly inspiring.

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