Acabado ou Começado

The title of this final post detailing my experience in Portugal is fitting. Acabado means finished in Portuguese. But, am I finished with Portugal? Most definitely not. Although I cannot determine my own future, my goals for it have changed. I’d like to think that maybe the other proper term for this post should be começado,…

Toulouse: A Swim Upstream

For the second leg of my French adventure, I chose a location not too far from Bordeaux. In fact, my second destination, Toulouse, the 4th largest city in France, is only 3 hours by bus from Bordeaux. Also, and most importantly, Toulouse is located along the Occitanie portion of the Garonne River. But, this is…

Bull and Dogs

I wrote nearly 3,000 words about my time in Amsterdam. It deserved every word. Just as this special place of Amsterdam will deserve every word of praise it gets, and deserves its own separate post. This place? Bull and Dogs. What is it? A restaurant, but also an experience of culinary wonder and mouth-watering ecstasy.…

In Awe of Amsterdam

“Travel is the best way to be lost and found at the same time.” I don’t know who exactly said that, but it describes adequately my experiences this past weekend in Amsterdam, the capital and largest city in the Netherlands. This was my 6th overnight trip since arriving in Portugal, but my first solo trip…

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