Fund Listing with Rollups

(Additional Reports > Fund Listing with Rollups)

List of Fund Codes with Fund Rollup Hierarchy

This report shows

  • Fund code rollup scheme
  • fund code is active or not
  • Fund code is data entry-able or not
  • Financial manager WID and name
  • Fund type code

All filters are optional

  • Chart: Select one or more charts from the drop-down.
  • Fund: Search by Fund Code or Fund Title, then select one or more items from the search results.
  • Fund Fin Mgr: Search by W-number, First Name, or Last Name, then select one or more names from the search results.
  • Default Orgn: Select one or more from the drop-down.
  • Default Prog: Select one or more from the drop-down.
  • Fund Type: Select one or more from the drop-down.
  • Data Entry: Select one value (Y=Yes, data-entry allowed; N=No data-entry allowed).
  • Status: Select one value (A=Active, I=Inactive).

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