8 thoughts on “anticipation

  1. This post grabbed my attention just from the image and I immediately knew whose journal this is. The audio is very clear and I can hear your pronunciation of the Italian words. While a simple idea, this works very well in the theme of anticipation, because you are getting ready to speak with native speakers and it makes me want to practice more. The image does a good job relating to the audio because I can imagine you writing down these words to help remember and learn them. I think this was creative in that you have took time and learned all these words, so it is only fitting that it is anticipation as well.

  2. Ella, this post threw me into panic realizing I haven’t touched Duolingo in months…This is such a fun idea and adds a positive spin to the prompt! It was fun figuring out what you were saying and following along!

  3. I haven’t even downloaded duligo ever. I definitely should’ve. You sound fantastic!! I think this will be so helpful, and I can relate to preparedness leading to calm feelings. I’m impressed with how consistently you have practiced- it will pay off.

  4. I like your take on the prompt! As a bonus, it was like a little vocab quiz for me, which I enjoyed even if I didn’t know some of the phrases. Your recording was also very clear!

    1. I loved this! For me Duolingo has certainly been a great help for starting to learn Italian, and your blog post was a great refresher for the common words and phrases to remember.

  5. I really enjoyed your take on anticipation and thought it fit really well! For me I am anxious about speaking in Italian to native speakers but excited to try so this is the perfect mix of anticipation. I also liked how there wasn’t an intro or explanation in the audio and just the Italian phrases it makes it flow better. Good job!

  6. This is an awesome idea. I love the dedication that went into this. You definitely prepared well for the trip and assignment.

  7. Please post a script! I need this! Good quality recording. The background, I could imagine something more travel oriented, cars are there but what about sounds of walking, the bus stop, the plane, cars honking! Just some things to consider as we develop more complex soundtracks. but I think I may listen to this again and again just to get some Italian.

    Molto bene!!!

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