This website is an ongoing project that features information, articles, images, and recent events regarding the literary recovery of acclaimed Pacific Northwest author Ella Rhoads Higginson (1862?-1940). The website also contains transcriptions of many of Ella Higginson’s poems, divided into categories for easier searching.
Please make yourself at home, click around on this site, and begin to become acquainted with the life and work of Ella Higginson, first Poet Laureate of Washington State.
For the latest discoveries and updates regarding Ella Higginson, please follow us on Facebook:
Dr. Laura Laffrado initiated the Ella Higginson Recovery Project. Her award-winning book, Selected Writings of Ella Higginson: Inventing Pacific Northwest Literature, brought Higginson’s writing back into print for the first time in over a century.

Winner of the 2018 Society for the Study of American Women Writers Edition Award

Dr. Laura Laffrado preparing to be interviewed by C-SPAN Book TV about her work on Ella Higginson.
Watch here:
This website was originally conceived of and created by Dr. Laffrado’s research assistant Moira Stockton. It was revised by web wizard Maiya Praegel. It is currently maintained by Dr. Laura Laffrado. Contact her at