“Give Content to Others”

God, give content to others; but to me 
The throbbing night and bugle-noted day; 
No peaceful valleys, but the strong, salt spray 
Of some large sea. 
Give me no transient pain that frets and stings; 
Let me be as the nightingale forlorn, 
That, leaning her bruised breast upon a thorn, 
Bleeds while she sings. 
Give me, O God, not overmuch of sweet; 
Let me climb heights and, looking backward, see 
My own blood-prints, and know the agony 
Of stone-cut feet. 
For more and more I feel that not for me 
Are little passions and delightful ways; 
Only can I thro’ torturing nights and days 
Climb up to Thee. 

“Give Content to Others” as it appears in Higginson’s The Vanishing Race (1911).