Suzanne Paola has had three books accepted for publication this year: one, The Devil’s Castle (nonfiction), is in the writing stage and appearing in 2022 from Counterpoint Press. Two are finished and in the publication process— Entangled Objects: A Novel in Quantum Parts (Slant Books, fiction) and The Terrible Unlikelihood of Our Being Here (OSU 21st Century Essay series, nonfiction)— both appearing in 2021. She has published poetry in the South Carolina Review and essays in Signal Mountain Review, the UK Independent, and the New York Times. Additionally, she has published the critical article “Speculative Nonfiction” in the AWP Chronicle and contributed a chapter, “The Truth in Schreber’s Delusions,” to the scholarly work The Futures of Neurodiversity, forthcoming from Modern Language Association Books.
Laura Laffrado
Laura Laffrado’s chapter on teaching Pacific Northwest author Ella Rhoads Higginson has been published in the collection Teaching Western American Literature. Laura is also the newly-appointed Associate Editor of the journal Nathaniel Hawthorne Review. Laura spoke about Ella Higginson at the Modern Language Association Convention in Seattle in January 2020.
Donna Qualley
Donna Qualley and Matthew Sorlien (English Literature major and PWLR minor, WWU Fall 2020) co-wrote a chapter, “Our (Students’) Work (and Play) Can Make Us Smarter Next Time” for an edited collection entitled Inventing the Discipline: Student Work in Composition Studies, edited by Peter Moe and Stacey Waite and to be published by Parlor Press in 2021. The collection focuses for the important role of student writing in composition studies research and the impact it has had on the development of the field.
Donna Qualley
Donna Qualley’s Afterword, “With and Because of Genevieve,” was published in the online collection, The Rhetoric of Participation, in March of 2019. This collection honors the scholarship of the late Genevieve Critel who was to have begun her career as an Assistant Professor in English (Writing Studies) at Western in the fall of 2012. Donna published a second chapter, “How Digital Writing Sustains Reading” in a the edited collection, Digital reading and Writing in Composition Studies, also published in 2019 by Routledge.