In summer 2019, Greg Youmans served as the film consultant for the Oakland Museum of California’s exhibition “Queer California: Untold Stories.” The exhibition, which marked the fiftieth anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Riots, was on view from April 13 to August 11. Youmans also gave a talk at the museum about the film selections in June. In his teaching, he developed a new course topic for ENG 464, Advanced Topics in Film Studies: “Queer Experimental.” The course surveys the history of avant-garde film and media production by queer and trans artists, and in its first iteration, taught in Spring 2020 during the pandemic, it featured online class visits from a number of contemporary filmmakers.
Dawn Deitrich
Dawn Dietrich published, “‘For America to Rise it’s a Matter of Black Lives/And We Gonna Free Them, so We Can Free Us’: 13th and Anti-Racist Filmmaking in the ‘Age of Fake News'”in Pacific Coast Philology.
Greg Youmans
Greg Youmans’s essay “Greener Pastures: Filming Sex and Place at Druid Heights” will appear later this year in The Oxford Handbook of Queer Cinema, edited by Ronald Gregg and Amy Villarejo (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019). He also served as the film consultant for the Oakland Museum of California’s exhibition Queer California: Untold Stories. The exhibition was on view from April 13 to August 11, and he gave a talk at the museum about the film selections in June. In his teaching, he developed a new course topic for ENG 406: Topics in Critical and Cultural Theory: “Dream/Film,” a course that considers art and experimental film practices in relation to various theories of dreaming and of cinema and of the relationship between the two.