Bruce Beasley published new poems in Poetry, Georgia Review, Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day, New American Writing, Plume, and Hotel Amerika. His work was featured in the Poetry Magazine podcast “Dreams and Fathers.”
Kathryn Trueblood
Kathryn Trueblood’s newest novel, Take Daily As Needed, presents the challenges of parenting while ill with the desperado humor the subject deserves; it was published by the University of New Mexico Press in September 2019. Trueblood offered workshops in therapeutic writing at “The Examined Life” Conference at the University of Iowa, the Hugo House in Seattle, and the Lighthouse Writers Conference in Denver. Her essay, “Writing from a Pile of Shoes: Chronic Illness, Kids, and Creation,” was published by Literary Mama in November 2019, and “Honey, Don’t Break Yourself” is forthcoming in Minerva Rising #18. You can find her interviews at Invisible Not Broken Podcast, Montana Public Radio, and Writing It Real.