Ning Yu’s book on a critical genre which criticizes poems in the form of poetry was published 09/2020 by Beijing Normal University Press. It is a critical evaluation of a modern poet’s poems written to criticizes 25 poets in Chinese literary history, somewhat like a combination of Alexader Pope’s “Essay On Criticism” and Samuel Johnson’s “Lives of the English Poets.” It is a commissioned book. The title, roughly translated, is Interpretation and Remembrance: An Analysis of Professor Chigong’s 25 Critical Poems
(BA, 1980): Dion Lissner O’Reilly
Dian Lissner (BA, 1980) aka Dion O’Reilly published a book of poetry in February of 2020, Ghost Dogs, which was the winner of the Independent Press award for poetry, the Dragonfly award for poetry, the Pinnacle Achievement Award for Poetry, an Honorable Mention in the Eric Hoffer Award, and took third place in the Royal Dragonfly Book Award.
Christopher Patton
Christopher Patton’s book of translations from Old English, Unlikeness Is Us (Gaspereau Press) received an American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation. His book of poems, Dumuzi (Gaspereau), appeared this spring 2020.