University Connect

In this assignment, we as a team; Sarah Mahran, Sarah Seeberger, Megan Hooper, Titus Barker, and Bruno Dornelas worked on our VP1 called University Connect. For this Venture Project, we were asked to develop an offering (physical product, app, or website) that creates excitement for the fall by designing an accessible educational experience that fosters culture and engagement. Create something inspiring and meaningful to you and your team.

Our Venture team believed that WWU lacks an accessible/universal educational platform that allows students to engage and meet new people all in one place. So we had decided to build an accessible educational app where all students belong. By doing so we had created an APP where students can connect to other students in major/minors of their own or interested in it. We added an area for students to find others with similar interests, see all the clubs the school has to offer, buy and sell textbooks to one another, and have access to tutoring resources. 

Below is the link where you can check out our entire Venture Project assignment. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

Project Assignment


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Welcome friends, students, and alumni of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation program! This site is chock full of resources for students and alumni to hone their skills in seeking the best employment options possible for them in the workforce. For friends and employers visiting this is a great place to get a look into our students seeking employment and make some connections with our students and alumni.