
Welcome to the class blog for the Fall 2018 section of English 513, Seminar on Teaching College Writing. I’ve made this site to serve as our home base for outside-of-class thinking, responding, and collaborative composing. Click on the orange square to the right to open the full navigation menu.

We’ll use this site in a few ways throughout the course. Most often, we’ll use it for short-form blog posts in response to a homework prompt. These are meant to be highly informal, and you really shouldn’t spend more than 20 or 30 minutes writing them. We’ll almost always discuss what you wrote in the following class, and, when time in our schedule allows, we’ll also be commenting on one another’s posts.

The second big purpose for this website is to host our internally crowd-sourced Reflective Annotated Bibliography (RAB). At a few points in the quarter, you will go out into the world and find interesting scholarship on teaching practice, writing studies, and pedagogical theory. Each time you do, you’ll contribute a long-form bibliography entry that will help share the knowledge back with the rest of us. You can visit the RAB page to see this document as it grows larger and more complex.

Please enjoy this website as you move through your work this quarter. I hope it’s a welcoming space for you to write, reflect, and create. If you ever have any suggestions for how this site could serve you better, I’d love to hear them.

– Andrew Lucchesi, Director of Composition