The Classroom as a Constitutional Monarchy

My classroom currently is a constitutional monarchy with me as the prime minister, Andrew as the ceremonial figurehead, the curriculum as a constitution and the students as both parliament and general populace. Andrew’s presence, felt more so through the curriculum than his actual physical self, provides the foundational materials that the class is based around while I with the help of my parliament and population of students decide what material will be privileged and which will be minimally acknowledged. Daily I must make sure my parliament and my population are at best satisfied with the direction the class is heading and at worst that they are not actively rebelling against it. Should the latter take place, I fear there is no saving the situation and we must instead wait for a new quarter to start over.

Often, I think my role as Prime Ministers is largely symbolic almost more than Andrew’s since he at least designed the curriculum/constitution. My job appears more to make sure the country/classroom does not burn to the ground. I cannot do this without a parliament and population that is willing to work toward a common goal. So far so good, but always am watchful for rogue members of the parliament/population who for whatever reason would see it all torn down. I know I must lead by example and not ask my students not do anything I would not do myself. My time as prime minister is limited so I know I must do as best I can with the limited time that I am given.

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