El Aleph

I would like to see as close to a full spectrum of diversity represented in writing studies as possible. I don’t understand why monofocal teaching methods are acceptable since it is clear that no one learns exactly the same as anyone else. I recognize this is a huge change to pedagogy as it currently exists, […]

Don’t Poke the Bear

The idea of being adversarial is a difficult one for me to parse. In thinking of Somnolent Samantha, I’m reminded of an earlier article I believe we read here where the instructor began thinking they knew what the students needed, then decided their students were all imbeciles, then decided some of them maybe are worthwhile, […]

Internationalize This

Citation Frigo, Stefanie A., and Collie Fulford. Introducing Bringing the Outside In: Internationalizing The WAC/WID Classroom. p. 7. Summary Stefanie Frigo and Collie Fulford of North Carolina Central University begin their article, Introducing Bringing the Outside In: Internationalizing the WAC/WID Classroom, by defining internationalizing as the inclusion of international texts and ideas into the US […]

Bilingual Writing

Citation Hirsch, Linda, and Carolina DeLuca. WAC in an Urban and Bilingual Setting: Writing-to-Learn in English y En Espanol. p. 13. Summary WAC in an Urban and Bilingual Setting focused on the class of Professor Carmen Marin and how she and a writing fellow developed a former humanities course, taught in English, for second language […]

Words of the Body

When the question of bodies comes up, the first place I worry off to is the possibility of bodies being sexual, and how it would make me extremely uncomfortable to think about students in a sexual way or for them to think about me in that way. Aside from the push of heteronormative culture to […]

Cute, but not much depth

I chose to read African American Language is Not Good English and Logos is Synonymous with Logic. My interest in both of these comes from my background is learning and hoping to someday teach Spanish, and in my enjoyment of theory linked all the way back to Plato. I find all these articles interesting, especially […]

Prepared for Trouble

In entering Allison’s classroom on Wednesday, 10/3, I came prepared to be challenged. I remember her and Megan being the two most vocal instructors describing the difficulties their students were posing. While I imagined some of the wandering eye problems would be less applicable to me, due to my privilege, I did think they would […]