I think oftentimes in writing classes, we’re very much concerned with responses to articles, books, and research without an emphasis on being a productive and empathetic citizen. That might sound a little broad, but one thing that I’ve learned how to navigate in my undergrad classes are social injustices that are woven through history and […]
For one thing, I am older than they are. I have lots of life experience that they don’t have. If need be, I think I could write a very long list of the cultural and historical changes I have witnessed in my lifetime that my students take for granted as the way things are and […]
Nurturing Critical Thought in the Classroom
Abegglen, Sandra, and Tom Burns, Sandra Sinfield. “Utilizing Critical Writing Exercises to Foster Critical Thinking in Diverse First-Year Undergraduate Students and Prepare Them for Life Outside University.” Double Helix, vol. 4, 2016, pp. 1-11. Summary In “Utilizing Critical Writing Exercises to Foster Critical Thinking in Diverse First-Year Undergraduate Students and Prepare Them for Life Outside […]
Prioritizing Community and Discourse within the Classroom
Within my classroom, I place value upon passion. Sometimes, it is difficult for students to find excitement in the curriculum or subject matter, and I believe it is the responsibility of the instructor to find the ways in which they can bring forth students’ excitement and passions in relation to the classroom. This is sometimes […]
Storytelling and Academic Discourse: Including More Voices in the Conversation
Citation: Mlynarczyk, Rebecca. “Storytelling and Academic Discourse: Including More Voices in the Conversation.” The Journal of Basic Writing 33:1 (2014): 4-22. Web. Summary: Since the start of her academic career, Rebecca Mlynarczyk has struggled with the relationship, or supposed lack-there-of that exists between what the academic world defines as “narrative” or “personal” writing and “academic writing,” […]