Narrative as Construct

Citation: Journet, Debra. “Narrative Turns in Writing Studies Research.” Writing Studies Research in Practice: Methods and Methodologies. Edited by Lee Nickoson and Mary P. Sheridan. Southern Illinois University Press, 2012, pp. 13-24 Summary: In “Narrative Turns in Writing Studies Research” Debra Journet exposes what she views as assumptions made within the composition field concerning narratives. […]

Narrative Turns in Writing Studies Research

Citation Journet, Debra. “Narrative Turns in Writing Studies Research.” Writing Studies Research in Practice: Methods and Methodologies. Eds. Lee Nickoson and Mary P. Sheridan. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2012. Pp. 13-24. Summary Debra Journet opens her article with a general definition of “narrative” as it is commonly accepted by current academic attitudes: a mode […]

Pedagogical Discovery

Research Motivation   As I sit here pondering and designing a pedagogical research proposal, I find myself wrestling with my (so far) limited experience within English 101 classrooms on our campus. Or, perhaps, a better way of putting it, I struggle approaching this without the experience of a static English 101 class roster to provide […]

Storytelling and Academic Discourse: Including More Voices in the Conversation

Citation: Mlynarczyk, Rebecca. “Storytelling and Academic Discourse: Including More Voices in the Conversation.” The Journal of Basic Writing 33:1 (2014): 4-22. Web. Summary: Since the start of her academic career, Rebecca Mlynarczyk has struggled with the relationship, or supposed lack-there-of that exists between what the academic world defines as “narrative” or “personal” writing and “academic writing,” […]