Brugman, Destiny F2018 Pedagogy Research Project ENG 513
Accountability is Never Out of Style
Citation: Takayoshi, Pamela, Elizabeth Tomlinson, and Jennifer Castillo. “The Construction of Research Problems and Methods.” Practicing Research in Writing Studies, ed. by Katrina M. Powell and Pamela Takayoshi, Hampton Press, 2012, pp. 97-121. Summary: In this chapter, Takayoshi, Tomlinson, and Castillo explore how researchers make decisions and how a practice of ongoing, guided, critical self-reflection can improve research processes in the field […]
Reflective Annotated Bibliography on “A Grounded Theory Approach for Studying Writing and Literacy.”
Farkas, Kerrir R.H., and Christina Haas. “A Grounded Theory Approach for Studying Writing and Literacy.” Practicing Research in Writing Studies: Reflexive and Ethically Responsible Research, by Katrina M. Powell and Pamela Takayoshi, Hampton Press, 2012, pp. 81–95. Summary of the article: In this article, authors Kerrie R.H. Farkas and Christina Haas, provide an overview of what […]
Why we have Research IRBs
Citation McGee, Sharon J.. Practicing Socially Progressive Research: Implications for Research and Practice. p. 143 Summary McGee lays out the origin of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) that have their history steeped in blood starting after World War II in the shadow of the Nuremburg Trials, and they follow what are known as the Nuremburg […]