Thinking about toxicity within some sort of taxonomy seems to evoke a sort of parasite, or bacteria, or general pathogen that introduces a disease which then blooms outward from its singular point of entry or origin. More literally, this would be one instance of toxic behavior in a classroom that is sufficiently damaging so as […]
Environmental Toxins
So far, I can only think of this in theoretical terms, outside of one instance that I will highlight, as I haven’t gotten to fully see the types of toxic behaviors that current undergraduate college students bring to the classroom. I am very curious for my full session next quarter, and I imagine that some […]
Passive-Aggressive Stuff: Expectations & “What’s the Point?”s
I’ve been fortunate to have not encountered any truly toxic behavior in my classroom thus far, but I’m always alert to its potential of disrupting the classroom in a significant way. There’s certainly a taxonomy present if I’m thinking in these terms—what I would consider toxic would be outright abuse (which can take several forms, […]