Internet Resources About Children with ADHD

  1. Internet Source for Students: interactive, educational

Learning Works for Kids


On this web page, there are five interactive games that are great for kids to play who have ADHD. This site does a great job of showing the students the thought process of children diagnosed with ADHD. Also, it shows ways to keep the attention of students with ADHD and how to stay focused. This allows for empathy and understanding of everyone in the class for the students with the diagnosis of ADHD. Kids will be very excited to play games as well as understand what their classmates are feeling and going through.

Core Integration idea:

This will need to be a mini lesson because of the content depth in which we as teachers need to cover. The learning target’s sole purpose needs to be about ADHD. The facts in which we are teaching need to be focused in easier terms which means that we can’t condense it with other subject lessons.

NHES Standard 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.


  1. Internet Source for Teachers: informative, reliable


This site has printouts available for download to help teachers work with children diagnosed with ADHD. The printouts include classroom organization, talking points for a parent-teacher conference, a kid’s perspective of having ADHD in the classroom, etc. As a teacher, you could use this site to help the kids who are diagnosed with ADHD thrive and succeed. The toolkits are a great way to easily get the information needed to create a lesson about children diagnosed with ADHD.

Core Integration idea:

This topic is not one to be incorporated into other subjects. Therefore, as a teacher, it is crucial to do a mini lesson for this topic. Students need to focus on the topic of ADHD and the meaning behind the health standard instead of mixing it with a different subject’s standard and learning target.

NHES Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.


  1. Internet Source for Parents: informational, resourceful


This website helps parents through the hard times of parenting a child who is diagnosed with ADHD. It also helps them to learn what to do at home and how to help their child in the best ways possible. It give insights as to what can be happening in your child’s life that you may not know about and how to help with them. Most parents who have never dealt with these kinds of issues like bullying may not know what to do to help their child while allowing them to grow and succeed. This web page gives the information to the parents for what actions to take and how to talk to their children.

While teaching about how to help each other in the classroom being good friends and helpers to those diagnosed with ADHD, I will create a resource page for both students and parents. This website will be on the parent’s resource part allowing them to explore the resources themselves. The letter attached will consist of an explanation of what the kids are learning and how to help them learn further and what they can do to help themselves in needed.



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