Anti-Depressant: It Protec, It Attac, It is Prozac…

Prozac, my choice ad debunk…

Even though taking drugs isn’t always considered a horrible thing, we also know that even the most licit drugs (over the counter, prescription, tobacco, alcohol, etc) are harmful on a wide spectrum of ways. I personally don’t have a problem with drugs, but I know some in my family who have turned to drugs as a way to cope/escape from problems or to receive pleasure in their life that isn’t being fulfilled in a drug-free way. There has also been many celebrities who I found dear to me growing up that have also been affected by drug abuse. From comedians like Chris Farley and Robin Williams to artists like Chris Cornell and Elvis Presley, I felt afflicted knowing that substance abuse can even hurt those who have brought a lot of joy to the average Joe. However, there was one celebrity that I have grown attached to since I was a child and has become a big part of my ultimate Star Wars fandom (I could talk your ear off about it). She was a driving force in the movie world that everyone loved and admired. I’m of course talking about the late Carrie Fisher (1956-2016), most commonly known as Princess Leia Organa. As I was learning about her death, it was announced that in relation to her history of depression and bipolar disorder, her ashes were placed in a novelty Prozac pill urn that she had in her home. Knowing Carrie, she would appreciate the sentiment of that giant pill that she loved in her home; and that is why I chose to ad debunk Prozac.

Princess Leia Organa
Carrie Fisher (2015)

Depression saddens, Prozac can help.

What the Ad says: I found it a little difficult to find a T.V. ad that promoted Prozac recently. But I did find several poster ads that are similar to the one shown on the left. They contrasted what the drug can do for you, versus what you experience when not taking the drug. What better way to sell drugs, than to sell for Christmas? The first thought that I had, was connecting the sad little tree to that beloved holiday special, Merry Christmas Charlie Brown. All I can say about that is “good grief.” This ad, like the others, want to express that happiness can be found in a pill. In the fine description of the ad, it informs people that depression is an illness, and Prozac isn’t habit forming (How do we know that?). This ad sends a message out to an audience that Prozac is the answer to anyone who may be suffering from depression, especially during the merriest time of the year. Perhaps this also tells our users is more of a necessity, than it is an anti-depressant?

What the ad doesn’t say: Don’t let that statement (not habit forming) fool you. The ad doesn’t inform you how it knows Prozac isn’t habit forming. I think that a lot of people want to feel normal; that normal means I should feel what everyone else is feeling and do what everyone else is doing. Even if someone who already takes Prozac may abuse the prescription, in hopes of achieving that pleasing high. I can understand that need, but isn’t there a safer way to inform the world of this drug? Why sell it as something that can be put in someones stalking? “What did you get this year?” “I got a bottle of concentrated serotonin re-uptake inhibitors! Just what I wanted.” I think that folks misunderstand that we shouldn’t be prioritizing drugs as a want or a need. Instead, remember that drugs are not the permanent solution to depression.

To further understand what is being sold, let’s see what Prozac consists of, how it works on a chemical level, and what the intended and unintended effect are.

What is Prozac and why is it so useful?

Prozac (generically known as fluoxetine hydrochloride) is one of the most popular and well known prescription anti-depressants currently on the market. On a chemical level, it is a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) anti-depressant. The fluoxetine hydrochloride affects unbalanced chemicals in the brain that any one with depressing, panic, anxiety or obsessive-compulsive symptoms might have. According to Jeff Roberts (2014) in his article The Most Dangerous & Heavily Promoted Prescription Drugs & Their Potential Natural Alternatives, “Prozac alters the mechanism that balances levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain”.

As we recall from our textbook Drugs and Society (2017), serotonin is an important neurotransmitter that sends chemical signals throughout the brain and body (including the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract). Serotonin’s job is to:

  • control blood vessel constriction
  • regulate the release of pleasant and needed hormones to the hypothalamus
    • specifically for mood, behavior, sleep, memory and learning

      A standard 20 mg Prozac pill.
  • inhibit other neurons from overreaction to various stimuli
  • and many other uses

Not only does Prozac help with depression, it has also been known to be treatful for bulimia nervosa (common eating disorder) and panic attacks. Since this drug alters serotoninergic systems, then you should expect side effects and reactions that regard mood swings, aggressiveness and irritability, abnormal sexual behavior, insomnia, nausea and many other common reactions.

Since this drug is supposed to maintain the flow of pleasing hormones, then wouldn’t that be an effect that would lead someone to want more pleasing sensations? Isn’t that why more abusers are motivated to abuse during their addiction? “When can I get my next escape?” Now that we are familiar with the drug, lets just see where this drug came from and who we have to thank for this 2nd scheduled prescription medication…

Origin of Prozac and the Eli Lilly Company

Eli Lilly Company Logo (The Biotechnology research team that brought us Prozac)

The prescription drug Prozac was first introduced back in January of 1988 to the United States. As described by Mary Bellis’ article The History of the Antidepressant Prozac (2017), Prozac “gained its most prescribed status within two years”. Man, I never realized just how quickly a new drug could become so popular. The drug was led by Ray Fuller and his research colleagues from the Eli Lilly Company (As of 2001, Eli Lilly was worth 10.9 Billion dollars a year). This company both created and distributed Prozac and still to this day, Prozac is one of the most promoted prescriptions in the U.S. Prozac is the companies best-selling drug, bringing in approx. 23.1 billion dollars in sales as of 2014 among all their prescription drugs. Lilly is also the world’s largest manufacturer and distributor of psychiatric medications. Ideally this drug is intended for users who are suffering from depression and those other disorders mentioned before. Here is a brief statement that Eli Lilly has to say about the company they run and the mission they hold:

We were founded in 1876 by Colonel Eli Lilly, a man committed to creating high-quality medicines that met real needs in an era of unreliable elixirs peddled by questionable characters. His charge to the generations of employees who have followed was this: “Take what you find here and make it better and better.” More than 140 years later, we remain committed to his vision through every aspect of our business and the people we serve starting with those who take our medicines, and extending to health care professionals, employees and the communities in which we live.

Unfortunately it is one of the many abused anti-depressants on the market.

At the end, Prozac is still a drug and not an answer…

Overall, this drug is extremely helpful to those who suffer depression, panic attacks, and bulimia nervosa; however, since it is an addictive drug, Prozac still is categorized as a 2nd scheduled drug by the FDA. Prozac is a serotonin up-taker, not a drug that should be taken forever. The problems or feelings that users have are ones that can’t be healthfully solved just be taking a pill, it is an escape. I think in general, abusers of drugs are mistaken; prescription drugs like anti depressants are not supposed to be a permanent dependency. Wouldn’t you want to cut your losses from the harmful effects of drugs, especially after your reasons for depression are no longer a worry? Quite frankly I think that is what a psychiatrist is for. I recommend talking about your depression, learn from it, and use what you learned to get back on track and produce your serotonin independently. Prozac can help, but Prozac can only help when you realize that you need to help yourself. Talk to your friends, family, and peers for social support. Help Guide (2017) makes a lot of suggestions including changes you should try in your lifestyle. Try some new and interesting things; hobbies, exercise, go out. I hope that you all have learned a little bit more about the anti depressant world of prescription drugs. Think about what choices you make and how will those choices work in the long run, rather than a temporary means to forget about depression.



Alban, D. (n.d.). Serotonin Deficiency: Signs, Symptoms, Solutions. Retrieved October 21, 2017, from

Bellis, M. (2017, August 29). The History of the Antidepressant Prozac. Retrieved October 21, 2017, from

Hanson, G. R., Venturelli, P. J., & Fleckenstein, A. E. (2015). Drugs and Society (12th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett learning. Print.

Image Gallery: Prozac Ad. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2017, from

McLean, B. (2001, August 21). A Bitter Pill Prozac made Eli Lilly. Then along came a feisty generic maker called Barr Labs. Their battle gives new meaning to the term ‘drug war.’ Retrieved October 21, 2017, from

Prozac. (2004, June 11). Retrieved October 22, 2017, from


Saisan, J. (2017, October). Depression Treatment. Retrieved October 23, 2017, from

Who We Are. (2017). Retrieved October 22, 2017, from


58 thoughts on “Anti-Depressant: It Protec, It Attac, It is Prozac…

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