Who and What are you Drinking? Pick your Poison.

When you first look at a poster ad, commercial, or social media post, there is going to a small font written as, “Drink Responsibility.” The advertisements for alcohol have guidelines although there are many ways of bending these guidelines. When listening or observing an advertisement promoting alcohol “Drink Responsible” are written in a small font or narrated really fast. While learning about products or understanding how this will affect myself mentally, spiritually, and physically is through repetition. When advertisements promote themselves the focus is not about the negative health effects but rather the positive outcomes of the substance. Large companies have employees whom specialize in psychology marketing which target a specific area in the brain known as the Amygdala and targets the audience to function this area of the brain.

For many different cultures and demographics alcohol has different perspective for the consumptions of alcohol. From an Native American perspective, alcohol is seen as a drug that is abuse very often and it has been used a coping method for people. Today, many people have experience their immune systems and the consumption of foreign substances has an impact within their themselves. Due to the ingredients their past ancestors did not have the chemical impact within their immune system. For example the cultural difference between the consumption of alcohol has a different meaning for the Irish people and Native American people. For example Native Americans have certain plants which are used medicinally for cultural reason though from an outside perspective it is seen as a hallucinating drug which could be considered illicit drug.

In this Mount Rainer ad, is a man enjoying a scenic cruise on his motorcycle while traveling to Mount Rainer. Along with the background voice of someone going along with the motorcycle engine, “Mount Rainerrr.” There is not a message that depicts alcohol but it’s a feeling visual effect of the alcohol. In society Alcohol is a form of relaxation and a social activity. For example, imagine yourself at a barbeque enjoying a local beer then the next season would be the same idea but snowboarding or skiing with your friends. Alcohol advertisements create the idea of drinking their product will make enhance the life if you should consume their product. In this specific Mount Rainer Beer commercial was an ad of enjoyment of the view without advertising the beverage itself. If someone were to watch it, they would idolize the man on the bike and think wonderful how his life lifestyle is. In this blog, alcohol is an licit drug which many people enjoy throughout the world.

In various countries, you could be 16, 18, or 19 to enjoy an alcoholic beverage as a form of relaxation or being social with friends. The demographic Mount Rainer beer advertises toward is local consumers, colleges students (i.e. cheap beer), “mountaineers” or in general the state of Washington. When tourist visit the state of Washington along with the experiencing the rainy weather they many locals would states enjoying a local brewed beer would be an experience. The tourism of alcohol not only exists in the Pacific Northwest but is it throughout the United States. Each state is know for being uniquely different Utah, the Great Salt Lake and New Mexico is known for being the Land of Enchantment.

When you think of the Pacific Northwest there are many ways people see it. From tall evergreens trees, rain, mountains, mountain towns, and the abundance of water. Majority of the people who live and originate from the Pacific Northwest will always call it home. For example, each demographic has a representation of what makes them unique and how they represent themselves that promotes who they are and where they come from. On the Mount Rainer Beer website of has main tabs of how, when, and where Mount Rainer Beers’ originate from, “Rainer Beer brings together nature’s bounty from the great Northwest.” The audience they are capturing is sense of community and being outdoors.


Mount Rainer Beer began in Seattle Washington, along with being the first commercial brewing company on 1854, that is over 150 years ago! Though now the main head quarters and facility is in Irwindale, California. The website recognizes the history but will provide you the nearest store stocked with the alcohol beverage by entering your zip code. The Mount Rainer Beer Company emphasizes responsibility as, “Safe Times Make Great Times” specifically their four main ideas of what it means to be safe is:

  1. Share the Responsibility.
  2. Look out for yourself.
  3. Take care of others.
  4. Get help if you need it.

The intentions of the licit drug is supportive for making sure responsibility plays an important role while consuming the beverage along with a list of resources about the consumption of alcohol for various communities. Further promoting the beer has also gained popularity through making it to play in multimillion-dollar movies such as the Twilight saga, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn (Part I and II).

The Mount Rainer Beer Company will be happy to have any type of promotion that will encourage people to buy the product from celebrities and/or social media. This would completely encourage the audience to go out and buy the product because there is a celebrity in the commercial. Many alcohol companies spend millions of dollars to ensure their advertisements are to promote celebrities, sex, and money. In the advertising industry many companies captures the audience through the term known as, “Sex Sells.” Through social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat or Twitter majority of the product has influenced the audience’s interpretation. In the following photo, are two bottles upside down clearly advertised as a sexual reference that promotes sex and alcohol. Markets have stated, “The celebrities, the scenery, sex sells (largest promoting in the industry), humor, actually, it is one of the strongest and most effective selling tools. The relationship between sex and marketing is a winning combination for almost any business. However, if you don’t know how to use it you ‘re risking putting off your potential customers” (2014, Kay).

The next commercial is a man and woman drinking a bottle of alcohol in a sexual manner that can impact the audience of the lifestyle the couple has experienced.

There is a part of the brain known as Amygdala’s which functions our primitive instincts fear, hunger, and arousal or in physcology marketing they call it the lizard brain. The Amygdala is humans also play a role in sexual activity and libido. The Amygdala is to function as a interpreter to react and if a alcohol advertisement promotes sex that will stimulate the brain with the result of the audience interpret their libido. In psychology marketing, “tapping into your audience’s paint points, appeal to their innate selfishness, demonstrate importance through contrast, emphasize value tangibility, focus on beginning and end, us a visual metaphor, and strike an emotional cord” (2014, Kay). For example in the Jim Beam commercial the woman pouring liquor into her and another man’s month, there is a sexual tension.

Overall social drinking has been a rare act to see growing up within my own community. If I were to recommend a type of alcohol would solely depend on the person. I could not if it were to enable or continue to hurt someone I truly cared about although it is a difficult situation to understand one’s perspective on alcohol.


Rainier Beer’s Official Site. (2007, November 4). Retrieved November 08, 2017, from http://rainierbeer.com/terms-and-conditions

Says, M. P., Says, H. H., Says, V., Says, C., Says, R. K., Says, V. N., . . . Says, B. S. (2017, September 09). The Reptilian Brain: 7 Ways to Engage Your Customer’s Inner Lizard. Retrieved November 08, 2017, from https://www.neurosciencemarketing.com/blog/articles/reptilian-brain-2.htm#