Kidney Disease Brochure

Did you know that chronic kidney disease rarely shows symptoms? Did you also know that obesity is one of the leading factors to being diagnosed with kidney disease? Do you know what your BMI has to be to be considered obese? If you are dying to know the answers to these questions, this is the brochure for you! We aimed to showcase the link between obesity and kidney disease in this informational brochure.

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6 thoughts on “Kidney Disease Brochure

  1. I like how this brochure gave a lot of detail on how to prevent obesity. It was informative and specific, which doesn’t allow for people to make a ton of loop holes in the prevention. I think for the BMI part, the equation would have been helpful to visualize. Nice work!

  2. A very simple and straightforward brochure. I like how I could easily find out what kidney disease is, why it’s important, and what I can do to prevent myself from developing this disease. Great job!

  3. What really caught my attention about this brochure was the amount of questions that were asked. Each question was provided a clear answer that pushed for further reading. I would have cut back on the amount of information near the end because as a reader I wanted the gist of the information without all of the content. Having the information match the title is wonderful and as a reader I’m not surprised by anything I wasn’t expecting to read. The use of text boxes really helps snatch the eyes for that quick statistic and on to the next one. I really appreciate how the brochure is uniform in color and I would have added in some larger, bold, and different color text to really grab for further attention.

  4. Great work on outlining clear, tangible goals. I think the main thing that could be improved would be the importance of going to a physician. BMI alone does not show health and it is key for a doctor to take a more holistic view of your health based on body type and composition as well.

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