High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the measure of force your heart has to contract to pump blood throughout your body. High blood pressure, often called a “silent killer” because it rarely has symptoms, happens when your heart has to overwork to get your blood circulating. It can usually can be treated effectively with just modifications in diet and exercise. At times, however, medications may be required to get, and keep, your blood pressure under control. For these reasons, it is important to have regular check ups with your provider.

12 thoughts on “High Blood Pressure

  1. I really love the graphic design of the ECG as your display for the prezi! It is eye catching and perfect for your topic!

  2. Concise and clear. I think you all did a good job of giving straight forward information. The only thing I might change is to create a lighter color scheme to seem less ominous.

  3. Great Prezi! I like how you talked about what the numbers mean when taking blood pressure because I feel like a lot of people probably don’t know what it means! I thought your presentation had a good flow, and all the information was very useful! Awesome job!

  4. Very creative idea to have the heart monitor as your layout. Along with this, the bit about the systolic over the diastolic was helpful to remember visually. The commercial for heart disease was a good reminder that its easy to forget about the stuff you can’t see inside your body. This was a concise and very well put prezi good job!

  5. I have heard about high blood pressure a lot throughout my life because it runs in my family and have been taught to be aware of it and to get checked frequently. Because it is so prevalent in my family, I wasn’t aware that there weren’t many symptoms associated with it. Your presentation taught me that it would be helpful to encourage others to have their blood pressure checked regularly in order to prevent complications.

  6. Well done on the Prezi guys! We hear so often “protect your heart, watch what you eat, exercise” yada yada yada. But, really that is all very important! I have had a few people in my family who have died to heart related disease so this is something I believe to be taken very seriously.
    Question, what do you guys think would be a good way to promote this information to young adults?

    1. I think that one thing I would do is give information more specific to that age group. Like exercise for example…Running late to class? At risk of missing the bus? Congratulations! That is exercise! It counts! I would also point out the choices they have for food at the cafeteria or dining hall. Want something sweet? Opt for the banana instead of the ice cream!

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