Everyone is at risk for diabetes especially children. It can be hereditary but the majority of people and young children with Type II Diabetes can be prevented through healthy lifestyle choices. For example, when choosing what to eat for lunch replace the sugary soda or the bag of chips for water and an apple.
I like your use of examples that show kids what to do, like your discussion of what drink to have with dinner. I also like how you relate diabetes to children in a way that they would understand, like how you talk about how they would not get toys or be able to play catch with their friend! In my opinion, those types of things are what children will actually take away if they watch some kind of health video.
Even though you weren’t super confident about your drawing board, I thought it was actually really well made for students who maybe aren’t that comfortable using technology. Your info was accurate and very informative and I liked your animations. They were simple and straightforward.
The drawing has a lot of great information. I enjoyed the drawings as well!
I actually think that the rudimentary drawings ADDED to the drawing board. It felt more relatable to younger kids.
All lesson topics are valuable to ESL students as they teach necessary vocabulary and grammar, then enables them to practice in a real-life manner. ESL lesson plans