The Virgin Suicides

Barsam, Richard, and Dave Monahan. Looking at Movies: An Introduction to Film. W.W. Norton and Company, 2016.

The Virgin Suicides. Directed by Sophia Coppola. American Zoetrope, Paramount Classics, 1999.

One thought on “The Virgin Suicides

  1. The Virgin Suicides is a 1993 novel by Jeffrey Eugenides, set in the 1970s, about the Lisbon sisters, five teenage girls who live in a sheltered environment under strict parental rules. The novel explores themes of adolescence, repression, desire, and the impact of tragedy on a community. Directed by Sofia Coppola, the film follows the novel’s narrative, focusing on the mysterious circumstances surrounding the sisters. The film features Kirsten Dunst, Josh Hartnett, and James Woods and received praise for its dreamlike atmosphere and depiction of the story’s themes. Both novels and films are known for their haunting portrayal of adolescence, family dynamics, and the lasting impact of loss and trauma.bankruptcies near me

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