Hello, I am so glad you are here! I am a current student at Western Washington University pursuing a major in Business Administration with a concentration in Management. I am minoring in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, as well as Dance. I am continually striving to grow as an individual by exploring the various opportunities that I am privileged to encounter. My strengths include: having a strong work ethic, having excellent organizational skills, being an effective communicator, and being very self-motivated. I can work in various settings as I have the capacity to work individually, to be inclusive and to be a team player. I love to work collaboratively and believe strongly in the power of positivity in all spaces.
Prompt: Create and Innovate a new game that will promote a sense of inclusivity within the community.
Execution: My team and I had a blast ideating for this prompt. As a team we created a self-driven series of challenge cards encouraging individuals to meet new people. We named the game Strange Connections. We believed that by creating a game in which a passersby was encouraged to interact with strangers on a deeper level, those people would be more likely to form a lasting connection. We also believed that this would be successful because people would have an “excuse” to interact with a stranger. All you have to do is give a card to a stranger, have them read the challenge, and see if they will participate in the quick challenge with you. After you complete the challenge be sure to spark conversation and or encourage them to pass it on!
Prompt: No prompt given – freedom to create with business model structure
Execution: Through collaboration I teamed up with 4 fellow students who are passionate about ways to make a collective difference on environmental issues. With lots of ideation and many iterations of our prototype, we landed on an app called Plastic Paladin. Our app allows people to quickly and easily send a picture of litter to the company that produced that trash, and then see their collective impact by showing how many others have also sent in pictures of trash to the same companies. After sending in the picture, charts and stats will automatically pop up showing which companies have the most pollution as well as a map of where else people have taken pictures of certain companies trash.
Prompt: Rebrand of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation program to help bring more simplicity and clarity to what the program is to ultimately increase awareness about the program within our community.
Execution: This prompt presented itself as an exciting challenge. My team found it difficult to sum up everything that the Entrepreneurship and Innovation program is into one simplified brand. Our team felt that we didn’t want to alter the name much as we felt that Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center was a simple and clear name for the program. With the branding we also formed a tagline that we felt really spoke volumes of the program “A Passionate Community of Hands-On Innovators”.
Prompt: Business Consultation with a local Bellingham business
Execution: An awesome team of 3 other E’2’s and I were lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with Social Fabric for our Business consultation. Through meetings with owner Renee Sherrer we were able to gain an abundance of knowledge about what it takes to run a small business in Bellingham. Through collaboration we were able to help her prepare for a huge shift in her business. To assist we helped gather Market Research to present to city officials, and we created a Vendor Rental Applications for vendors to apply to sell within her new space. Through this consultation experience my team and I gained so much insight to the amount of work, drive, and creativity it truly takes to keep a small business alive.