This project was created by- Saul Morales (E6), Amelia Zahler (E6), Morgan Hawthorn (E2), & Dylan Dahl (E1). The start of Spring Quarter 2021 has begun and with it we kick off with Venture Project 1. The prompt this quarter has asked us to develop an offering that facilitates accessibility that customers seek. As we quickly looked for ideas, we were able to land on HIVE- and interactive app that will not only facilitate events around you yet it’s going to consistently be reliant on you, your schedule will highlight specific events that are within your availability, maximizing your social life and professional life, as we slowly but surely transition back from online presence into in person. We are seeking to reengage you with people and events that you excited about through the hopeful end times of the pandemic.
Link to our Entire Project:
Great Work on VP1! Here is your feedback video.