Summer ’21 VP1 Sustainable Development

For this quarter’s VP1 we were tasked to create a product or a service that would address one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. We chose goal #10, Reducing Inequalities, for our project and decided to work with Neurodivergent folks and others with invisible disabilities as this is a group of people who are not represented as often as others. We created SEAQ: Support, Empathy, Assist, Quality, an app designed to help connect those with invisible disabilities to providers who specialize in them, as well as make it easy to tell for those in marginalized communities if the provider would be safe for them. We also wanted to give people a way to learn about the neurodivergent and disability community through connecting with others who have similar lived experiences and providing information about each disability and what they mean. Throughout this process we gained a lot of empathy with our interviews and research, and have come out with a better understanding of some of the struggles that those with these types of disabilities face. 

Here is a brief look at some of our prototypes:

View our Google Drive here, and our Business report here.

Team Members: Liam Chambers, Emma Rose DeSantis and Morgan Hawthorn