Alex Barbaras, Alyssa Hoirup, Art Hamilton, Maddie Sweeney

For our Venture Project Two this quarter we have created the Poise Directional Speakers. The purpose of this device is to promote better posture for people who find themselves sitting for an extended amount of time. How they work is simple: the customer places one speaker on each side of their workspace and angle it in a fashion that they are only able to hear the audio when they have good posture. Use of Poise Speakers over extended periods of time advocates for improved posture, which results in fewer body pains and overall better health. Additionally, the speakers prompt you to stand up for physical activity after a certain period of time. We have gathered evidence to prove this product is beneficial for our target market through BIC’s, VPC’s, and interviews. Overall, the Poise Directional Speakers promote better posture and healthier lifestyles for our customers. 

Evidence Locker

Business Report