Welcome to BEAM Parking! As a team this Quarter we were tasked with the prompt of tackling an accessibility issue in Bellingham, Washington. Beginning our Venture in the heart of Downtown we came to the realization that parking in Bellingham is neither ideal, nor accessible. From here we decided to tackle this issue, and from their BEAM parking was born! Check out our Google Drive linked below to see our learning and process on how BEAM parking came to be! 

Team Members: Katie Potts (E5), Darren Jakana (E2), Shumpei Yanagihara (E2), Kieran Kardong (E1), Laura Gold Rasmussen (E1)
Link to Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DAHPiwlFd4rzWtAv5_vcbed-2Krg478j?usp=sharing